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Frank Cohen, MD, BSc

Medical Director

Frank Cohen, MD, BSc

Frank is a medical director at Fortrea. He has earned his degree in Medicine at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor’s degree in biomolecular science. He has more than 20 years of experience in clinical development both in pharmaceutical companies as CROs, with expertise in conducting and reporting clinical studies in all phases of development and joined Fortrea in 2012. He has experience in preclinical work, phase I – IV clinical studies as a research physician and medical lead for neuropathic pain studies, cardiovascular and main focus on nephrology for the last 12 years, which included studies for treatment of IgA nephropathy, FSGS, hypertensive and diabetic nephropathy, hyperkalemia, palatability, studies in dialysis and non-dialysis CKD patients and paediatric nephrology studies. Furthermore, he was involved as medical lead in pivotal phase 3 studies in CKD pts with anaemia; first in class drug, HIF-PHI until market approval.