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Digital Health Solutions

Improving patient participation options in clinical trials

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Increase efficiencies, patient reach and diversity while reducing patient burden with Fortrea’s award-winning Decentralized Clinical Trials solutions.

Proven success

Named the 2022 Frost & Sullivan Global Decentralized Clinical Trial Company of the Year.

Increase trial diversity

Access hard-to-reach and hard-to-keep trial participants.


Meeting patients—literally—where they are.

Digitally reaching more patients

We integrate approaches that minimize the impact on patients’ lives, removing barriers to participation and increasing trial access, patient recruitment, engagement and retention. Patient-appropriate digital trial options can enhance traditional clinical trial models, minimize patient and caregiver burden, bringing trials closer to difficult-to-reach patients and improving patient diversity.

We critically determine which digital trial options are best for your study. Selecting from eConsent, ePRO solutions, telehealth capabilities, device integrations for digital biomarkers and more. The real-time data aid investigator sites and sponsors, promoting early interventions to reduce white space and keep patients—and trials—on track.

Recognizing the results

Enhance the experience for trial participants, investigators and sponsors.

  • Our digital health and innovation solutions

    We’re here to help you:

    • Increase patient reach and diversity to improve data quality
    • Make it easier for patients to find and enroll in your trial, reducing patient burden
    • Reduce administration time for investigator sites, allowing them to focus on critical patient interactions, either in person or via telehealth
    • Increase efficiencies with our global network of mobile clinicians and in-home trial services that can be deployed by investigator sites
    • Enable a connected data infrastructure through our easily configurable platform

Proven success 

Our deep experience integrating remote, mobile and virtual options for trial participation was recognized with the Frost & Sullivan Global Decentralized Clinical Trial Company of the Year Award in 2022, and we continue to set new standards for how trials should be conducted.

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