
Events and Webinars

BioJapan 2024

09-11 October 2024 PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan Booth D-9
As one the world's oldest biotechnology exhibition, BioJapan aims to accelerate and industrialize R&D in the field of regenerative medicine and provides fusion of digital technology to life science. Special focus is paid to provide new value by business partnering of industry, academia, and government all around the globe.

Book a seat at Fortrea Seminar Session

We’re here to meet you, on booth or in partnering session

Welcome to meet Fortrea team at Booth D-9 or at partnering session during this Asia’s largest biotechnology innovation event, learn more about Fortrea solutions to navigating the complexity of clinical research, and bring extra values to stakeholders.

Register to book a seat at seminar or schedule a meeting with us.